
  • Photo of Bill Mauldin

    Bill Mauldin Cartoon Collection

    The Oklahoma National Guard Museum is proud to have in its collection more than 200 of Bill Mauldin’s original World War II cartoons. These significant drawings primarily date from 1944 and 1945 when Mauldin had reached the pinnacle of his wartime work.

    Bill Mauldin joined the 45th Infantry Division in September of 1940 and became the cartoonist for the 45th Division News in October of the same year. Early cartoons featured an Indian named Joe, with drawings which recorded the division’s stateside training. Mauldin’s style progressed and matured during this period and he soon became recognized for his talents as a military cartoonist.

  • Thunderbird Park

    The Thunderbird Park is situated on 15 beautiful acres surrounding the museum complex. Included in the park are more than 60 different types of equipment, including wheeled vehicles, full track vehicles, tanks, aircraft, and large guns. Well landscaped walkways are lined with beautiful trees, shrubs, and bushes. These pathways aid visitors in exploring the park where all equipment and vehicles are identified by plaques.

    The 45th Infantry Division Monument rises 40 feet high and is crowned by Thunderbirds on each side. This memorial honors the men of the 45th Infantry Division from both World War II and Korea who gallantly represented their states and bravely served their country in times of war. The monument was originally erected in downtown Oklahoma City and dedicated in 1959, but advancement of downtown business and construction of skyscrapers left the monument hidden from view. It was moved to the grounds of the 45th Infantry Division Museum and was re-dedicated on September 20, 2003.

    The park is a wonderful place to spend an afternoon, especially on one of Oklahoma City’s beautiful sunny days. A small picnic area with two tables is available on a first come first serve basis.

  • Reaves Military Weapons Collection

    The Jordan B. and Ruby V. Reaves military weapons collection was assembled piece by piece over a period of 30 years. It is a representative collection of the basic infantry and cavalry weapons used by the United States armed forces. The collection also includes several captured enemy weapons. All of the weapons in this collection were selected for their historic significance; representing American warfare from the Revolution through Vietnam.

  • Medal of Honor Recipients

    Step into the extraordinary exhibit that pays homage to the 12 exceptional Oklahoma National Guard and 45th Infantry Division members who received our nation's highest honor, the Medal of Honor.

    Discover the acts of courage, selflessness, and valor that earned these distinguished individuals their revered place in history. Be inspired by their unwavering commitment to duty and witness firsthand how their heroic actions continue to resonate, leaving an indelible mark on our nation's legacy.

  • Main Gallery

    The Hall of Flags examines early Oklahoma Military History. A series of exhibits within the hall will take you from the beginning of Oklahoma’s military history through the Forts and along the trails of Indian Territory. Explore the role of the Indian Police, and learn about Oklahoma’s Civil War battles. An examination of the Spanish-American War and Mexican Border cases explains the formation of the 1st Territorial Regiment of the Indian and Oklahoma Territories, and their participation in the Philippine Insurrection and guarding the Mexican border. The next call of duty for the 1st Oklahoma Regiment was WW I.

  • 45th Infantry Division in WWII

    Journey through the courageous history of the Oklahoma National Guard's 45th Infantry Division in World War II. From their landing in Sicily to their involvement in the liberation of Dachau, this exhibit brings to life their relentless pursuit, pivotal victories, and enduring bravery on the battlefields of Europe.

  • 45th Infantry Division Commanders

    Prepare to be awestruck as you step into the illustrious Commander's Hall, a captivating tribute that immerses you in the remarkable legacy of the 45th Infantry Division's former commanders. This hallowed space celebrates the visionary leaders who shaped the division's path from 1923 to 1968, leaving an indelible mark on its storied history. As you traverse through time, you will encounter the courageous tales of valor and strategic brilliance that defined the division under their guidance.

  • Oklahoma National Guard Soldiers on patrol in Korea during the Korean War

    Korean War

    Step into the Korean War Gallery, where four compelling exhibit cases vividly chronicle the heroic actions of the Oklahoma National Guard throughout this often-overlooked conflict. Recognized as the "Forgotten War," this exhibit is a heartfelt endeavor to educate and enlighten museum visitors about the indelible mark left by the Thunderbirds in this crucial chapter of military history. Immerse yourself in riveting narratives and authentic artifacts that honor the valor and sacrifice of the 45th Infantry Division, shedding light on their crucial role during this significant period. Join us in preserving the memory of these unsung heroes, ensuring that their courage and dedication resonate with generations to come.

  • Liberation of Dachau

    Join in a solemn journey of remembrance at our powerful Dachau exhibit, where you'll uncover the history of the 45th Infantry Division and the Oklahoma National Guard's pivotal role in liberating the Dachau concentration camp. The war's end was mere days away when the 45th Infantry Division reached the haunting confines of Dachau, a site where parts of the Holocaust's horrors unfolded.